Tan Chin Boon

Tan Chin Boon was born in Singapore in 1953. He studied western Painting at NAFA and learnt seal carving and Chinese ink painting under pioneer artists See Hiang To and Chen Chong Swee and graduated in 1972. He is a member of Siaw-Tao Chinese Seal Carving Calligraphy and Painting Society and has been painting and seal carving for over 5 decades. Tan is well known for his seal carvings. He has published 3 books on seal carving, Tan Chin Boon Seal Carving I, II and III in the years 2012, 2014 and 2018 respectively. The latest book is a collection of ink paintings, Art Painting By Tan Chin Boon (2022).

More About Tan Chin Boon

– Converge Art Gallery

– Black Earth Art Museum

– Tan Tsze Chor Art Award 2018 Artistic Projects and Installations
– Visual Art Centre

Joint Exhibition
Singapore-Japan Ink Painting Exchange in Kyoto, Japan (2017, 2018 & 2021)