“Bountiful Affluence” delves into the exquisite fusion of celestial motifs, as depicted through the intricate wood carving of a majestic lion entwined with the Peranakan porcelain adorned with delicate lotus blooms. The juxtaposition of these elements encapsulates a profound narrative, with the lotus flower serving as a poignant symbol deeply rooted in Peranakan heritage, embodying both purity and resilience. It thrives despite its origins in the muddied waters, overcoming adversity and flourishing in pristine beauty. This evocative artwork masterfully marries cultural symbolism and artistic craftsmanship, inviting viewers to contemplate the interplay of tradition and innovation.
Bountiful Affluence
Artist | |
Dimensions | 1080 × 820 mm |
Year | 2023 |
Medium | Oil on Canvas |
Shipping and Delivery
Delivery and installation fee is $155 for first piece and $60 (below size of 1800mm and $100 above size of 1800mm) for each subsequent piece within Singapore. Learn more
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“Bountiful Affluence” delves into the exquisite fusion of celestial motifs, as depicted through the intricate wood carving of a majestic lion entwined with the Peranakan porcelain adorned with delicate lotus blooms. The juxtaposition of these elements encapsulates a profound narrative, with the lotus flower serving as a poignant symbol deeply rooted in Peranakan heritage, embodying both purity and resilience. It thrives despite its origins in the muddied waters, overcoming adversity and flourishing in pristine beauty. This evocative artwork masterfully marries cultural symbolism and artistic craftsmanship, inviting viewers to contemplate the interplay of tradition and innovation.