Inspired by the mystical incantation “Open Sesame,” our ornate goldfish embarks on a journey, seeking the lion dog’s gracious permission to enter. This timeless quest mirrors the origins of the phrase “Open Sesame II”, symbolizing the unlocking of hidden treasures and the revelation of secrets concealed within. In this evocative artwork, the goldfish embodies the aspirations of all who dare to unlock the treasures of the “Kamcheng.” With every brushstroke and hue, we are transported to a realm where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the mundane transforms into the magical.
Dimensions | 660 × 660 mm |
Medium | Acrylic on Canvas |
Year | 2023 |
Categories | Paintings |
Open Sesame II
Artist | |
Dimensions | 660 × 660 mm |
Medium | Acrylic on Canvas |
Year | 2023 |
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Delivery and installation fee is $155 for first piece and $60 (below size of 1800mm and $100 above size of 1800mm) for each subsequent piece within Singapore. Learn more
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Inspired by the mystical incantation “Open Sesame,” our ornate goldfish embarks on a journey, seeking the lion dog’s gracious permission to enter. This timeless quest mirrors the origins of the phrase “Open Sesame II”, symbolizing the unlocking of hidden treasures and the revelation of secrets concealed within. In this evocative artwork, the goldfish embodies the aspirations of all who dare to unlock the treasures of the “Kamcheng.” With every brushstroke and hue, we are transported to a realm where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the mundane transforms into the magical.
Dimensions | 660 × 660 mm |
Medium | Acrylic on Canvas |
Year | 2023 |
Categories | Paintings |