In this hectic and fast-evolving world, “Untitled (Digital and Identity)” reflects on the disappearance of face-to-face interactions and increased reliance on online transactions. This symbolic artwork involves the concept of true identity which has been rapidly replaced by our online persona while elevating one’s self-importance and addresses issues like privacy, censorship and disinformation. This thought-provoking art intends to open up a conversation about issue of real and fake identity, while the viewer ponders.

Dimensions 1120 × 1120 mm
Medium Mixed Media on Canvas
Year 2023
Categories Paintings

Untitled (Digital and Identity)


Dimensions 1120 × 1120 mm
Medium Mixed Media on Canvas
Year 2023


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In this hectic and fast-evolving world, “Untitled (Digital and Identity)” reflects on the disappearance of face-to-face interactions and increased reliance on online transactions. This symbolic artwork involves the concept of true identity which has been rapidly replaced by our online persona while elevating one’s self-importance and addresses issues like privacy, censorship and disinformation. This thought-provoking art intends to open up a conversation about issue of real and fake identity, while the viewer ponders.

Dimensions 1120 × 1120 mm
Medium Mixed Media on Canvas
Year 2023
Categories Paintings
Lester Lee
Lester Lee


Lester Lee is a contemporary interdisciplinary artist based in Singapore. Lester holds a Master of Arts (Contemporary Practice) from the University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom. As a young artist, Lester had trained under two renowned watercolourists. He then attended the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (1989), before residing in the United States of America for 10 years where he advanced his interest in multi-disciplinary art forms including performance, installation and sculpture.