Etched in the hearts of many, Greek artist Ellie Lasthiotaki comes back with her latest solo exhibition at Gallery1819 titled Ethereality – A visual poetry, externalizing her personal choice to see the beauty, passion and empathy of the world we live in. Ethereal comes from the Greek word for “Ether” which in Homer’s Greek it was referred to as the clean sky and weightlessness.
A twice finalist at the prestigious International Artist Grand Prize Competition at Art Revolution Taipei, her work of art draws inspiration from lines and fragments of Gaia and the exquisiteness of life. In her latest showcase, she humbly attempts to reconnect with our inner selves through visual stimulation.
Charming Infatuation, 2022
Ellie is employing scribbling and abstraction along with a wide spectrum of media, which has made her painterly style recognisable in the art scene, as a vehicle to transfer herself and the viewer to places where magic happens. She is utilizing Nature, being the eternal link between humans and earth, as the driving force to create a visual spiritual narrative of positivity where the horizon kisses the waves, the waves reciprocate the kiss, the trees are hugging dancing queens, while the glowing rays of the sun are dispersed on all beings on earth.
Artist: Ellie Lasthiotaki
These works embody her intuitive need, in her own visual language, to capture emotions, space and this feeling of ethereality where everything is possible in a contemporary context, hoping people can relate to the artwork and in essence be moved and enchanted by the magic of art.
Charming Reminiscence of Scented Fragments, 2022
Ethereality is now showing from
2 April – 7 May 2022 at Gallery1819 Singapore, 315 Outram Road, Tan Boon Liat Building, #02-04, Singapore 169074.
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